A new symbol of trust in Kenya’s smart transport and payment ecosystem

  • Brand Strategy & Positioning

    Brand Identity & Visual Language

    Brand Guidelines

    Naming & Copywriting

    Key Messages & Taglines

    UI / UX Design

    Website Development

    Social Media & Digital Templates

    Marketing Advisory & Support

Kenya’s financial system is complex to say the least. From the mama selling bananas on the street to the state secretary regulating the public transport payments and everyone in between, the needs are varied, elaborate and daunting. It takes tremendous courage and a deep local knowledge to create payment solutions that are relevant for the common man, for the banks and for the government. Data Integrated is perhaps the only player that has cracked it well, and poised to expand across Africa and beyond. When growth came knocking on their door, they addressed it with a new brand vision that’s relevant, fresh and soulful.


Tidal Impact | A new brand for a new breed of impact makers


Mobitill | The new face of smart payment solutions in Kenya