A total brand overhaul for a global voiceover company

  • Brand Strategy & Positioning

    Brand Identity & Visual Language

    Brand Guidelines

    Naming & Copywriting

    Key Messages & Taglines

    Website Design & Development

    Digital Templates

When WGV, China’s #1 voiceover company decided to expand outside of their home turf, they had almost everything in place - a superb back-end, an established network of voiceover talent, and a robust system to deliver projects of any complexity in the most demanding conditions. What they lacked? A new name and a matching brand appealing to global big-ticket clients who can trust them with critical, high-intensity, high-volume deliverables. Say hello to Echo, the industry’s new kid on the block, with a background unlike anyone else’s, and a brand that’s ready for the world.


Hachi Design | "GrowthEngineering" done delicately


Tidal Impact | A new brand for a new breed of impact makers